Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

miopi and hyper miopi

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Blindness among the most common vision problems occur with all age groups in the community. Now the problem of blindness, usually by children of school age is still causing.
However, you should not worry because there are many ways you can do to help the visibility, are.
Types of Blindness
There are two types of refractive problems of farsightedness and nearsightedness. Myopia is a condition where a person can not see objects clearly, but you can clearly see close objects.
The opposite occurs in people who suffer from nearsightedness, the objects closer to vision, but distant objects are clearly visible.
Some children suffer from symptoms of myopia can be easily identified.
Often, reading a book close to distant objects, such as television, see to reduce both eyes, so that the object more clearly.
Source of myopia
So far, no theory about the exact cause of myopia. However, genetic factors influence the development of myopia.
The possibility of a child whose parents suffer from myopia, the same problem 40 peratus.Ada theory, farsightedness occurs when a person like say dekat.Sesetengah read from other experts, to break that jauhlah reading distance range.
Shortness of breath is not a malfunction. In fact, the structure of the eye sighted normal.Apa it happens, more and more people that do not get, rabun.Imej The eye can not focus on the retina, but focused on a position in front of the retina.
This situation is comparable to the human differences curly hair straight, worn a few glasses and some not mata.Tahap with the myopia has not changed or increased by more glasses.
In fact, if you do not wear glasses, myopia increased level every six months, when the glasses should be changed.
This is a natural process that experienced by blind people. An increase in the rate of myopia arises only when the individual is ready when the age of 18 to 25 years.
Therefore it is important that children wear glasses myopia and provide comfort to them as clearly as possible to ensure the school.
Specific dietary factors play a role in eye health. Without doubt, the vitamin needed on the biochemical processes in the retina of the eye.
However, this does not mean that vitamin A can treat nearsightedness, like most mothers, their children vegetables, carrots, hoping the problem will disappear myopia to eat. This is an effort that is not useful.
The simplest method for dealing with problems of vision with glasses. Another method is the use of contact lenses on a layer of the cornea can be placed. Last treatment, laser treatment or trusted LASIK does not need to wear glasses.
Many complications can develop complications kelekangan layer of the retina. This occurs when the retina choroid layer of the tooth, resulting in a disorder of the retina and cause blindness if left untreated.
Kelekangan can happen man retinal myopic. Patients may include loss of vision in the lower part of the visual field.
Type of refractive problems, if a person can see distant objects appear, but can not read very well known as presbyopia.
It usually occurs in people aged 40 years. This is due to hardening of the lens capsule to reduce the movement of the capsule causes the lens to look at the objects. If anyone wants to be on objects near the capsule slowly to focus on the convex lens.
At the close of the curing process is difficult to see the ability to objects blown eyes. This problem must be overcome to wear reading glasses, to be held every two years.
To determine if a person suffers from presbyopia, a blurred spot in both eyes and the sharpness of the object is more pronounced when the object is saved far less. Also, they should not be confused with the problem of acts of Qatar, especially among people over 40 years.
People with cataracts have difficulty seeing far away. A person with cataracts can not clearly see distant objects and object is blurred, even with glasses.
If a person is farsighted, your eye muscles to work harder to place objects on the retina into focus. If it is too hard, it is symptoms such as blurred vision, pain above the eyebrows and eyes are always tired and wet, especially after working with myopia, such as sewing and reading.
Children with a far-sighted, short attention span. You may also be exceeded. What is the relationship between myopia, presbyopia? These problems farsightedness or presbyopia hiperopia average age 40 years younger than those without this problem.
Such as nearsightedness, farsightedness can be treated with glasses or contact lenses. Occasionally a child again after suffering from myopia kejulingan eye glasses.N

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